About the Author and why you have to subscribe?

I am an award winning author and researcher.

I am gifted with intuitive ability to analyze issues that only discerning minds can do. I give you new insights into intractable phenomenon and mysteries. I stimulate your mind to see things in broader perspective. Opinions expressed are mine except when referenced.

I won an award for my article on “Preventing future pandemics” where I called for a new treaty on pandemics similar to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty that has now been proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO)

I write on issues relating to health, politics, economy, technology and environment. My current focus is on Covid-19 disease and related Sars-cov-2 virus but occasionaly digress to any current issue of public interest.

Some of the papers I publish will be based on detail research on the issues presented while some may be from intuitive thinking. I present evidence through assembling of relevant information using logical analysis to decompose issues as well as correlation of events.

I will be making some logical conclusions and recommendations on how things can be done better in some of these papers.

Some of the highlights of my publications are as follows:

I am the first to write and predict a number of Covid-19 events before it came into public consciousness.

I am the first to propose a focused vaccine strategy ( Is the end of the pandemic insight?) before it was proposed by the Great Barrington Declaration.

I am the first to alert the world that the effects of the vaccine will be temporary and will only last for 4 months (Vaccination Dilemma).

I am the first to tell the world that the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines are experimental and not yet approved and you will be inadvertently participating in the trial if you get inoculated Vaccination Dilemma).

I am the first to tell the world that the mRNA vaccines weaken the immune system, gives a temporary protection that puts the recipient in a worst situation after the effects wanes (The Hypothesis of Breakthrough Infection). This was later corroborated in Covid-19 UK Surveillance report, week 42 2021 and subsequently European Medicine Association (EMA) and WHO.

I am the first to propose a virtual “Live vaccine” that will inoculate the world with an attenuated form of the virus as a panacea for controlling future pandemics.

I am the first to raise the alarm on the catastrophic consequences of mass vaccinations with trial mRNA vaccine shortly after my esteemed scientists Geert Vanden Bossche raised the awareness that mass vaccination fuels mutation of the Corona Virus.

I am the first to propose that any vaccine that induces T-cell has the potential to induce chronic disease on the recipient and should not be given to the healthy.

I am one of the first to recognise that Dr Robert Malone was the pioneer and Inventor of the mRNA technology having had the privilege to validate some of his patents in this field.

I am not an anti-vaxxer but support the use of traditional vaccines in preventing infections but strongly oppose the use of genetic mRNA vaccines in the current form. It is crystal clear that the current mRNA vaccines are lethal and not fit for purpose hence should never have been used on humans in a mass vaccination campaign.

I have a track record of proposing innovative solutions and predicting events accurately.

Follow my write-ups to be the first to get unbiased and insightful analysis of Covid-19 and world affairs.


Any queries, contact the writer on azodohvc@gmail.com

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Subscribe to Intuitive Thinker

I write on Health, Politics, Economy, Technology and Environmental issues including infectious diseases, Covid-19, climate change, environmental hazards, global economy, current affairs and world challenges. I present to you unique insights on issues.


I am an award winning author and researcher, I am gifted with intuitive ability to analyze issues that only discerning minds can do. I give you new insights into intractable phenemons and mysteries.